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Writer's pictureAnna Micci

Using Fear Chasers and Worry Erasers

From: James J. Crist, Ph.D.

  1. Get real about your fears and worries. Some ideas about getting your words out:

    1. “I feel so worried right now I need to talk about it.”

    2. “Sometimes I feel scared and alone. Can you help me?"

    3. “ I have been writing about my feelings in my journal and I am learning stuff about myself. Can we talk about my feelings?"

    4. “Mom/Dad do you worry about stuff? I do and I was wondering if you do too?”

    5. Mom/Dad, this is hard for me to talk about, but I am scared of something and I want to tell you about it.”

    6. "Sometimes I don’t understand my feelings and I want to put them into words. This is my list."

  2. Flip the switch from negative to positive: Start by learning to switch your thoughts from negative to positive. When you notice yourself putting up thoughts like “ I am going to fail” “I am bad” Tell yourself to stop. Put up a “Stop Sign” in your head. Then say, “I am going to try hard” and “I can do it!

  3. Get your mind OFF of your worries:

    1. Take a break from your worries and focus on something else. Use number 2 and flip the switch from negative to positive.

    2. Give your mind a break and do something positive. For example color, ride a bike, go outside, take a walk.

    3. Try something that makes you laugh. It is hard to be scared and laugh at the same time. For example read a comic book, think of a joke.

  4. Get Active: It is natural to feel excited/revved up when you are scared and worried. EXERCISE. Exercise is an excellent way of using your extra energy and it takes your mind off your worries.

  5. Be aware of what you eat: Eating a healthy and balanced diet (one that includes fruits and vegetables) at your age is very important. A balanced diet makes you feel stronger and more energetic –something that is important when dealing with fears and worries.

  6. Practice deep breathing/visualizing:

    1. Breathing deeply (all the way into your belly)is relaxing. It help oxygen get to your brain and muscles, which help them work better and calms you down.

    2. When you are nervous/anxious, you may breathe too quickly. You only fill the top part of your lungs and do not take in enough air. Breathing this way can leave you feeling more jittery/anxious.

    3. Visualizing means thinking of something positive, listening to calming music, picture yourself someplace calm and happy.

  7. Relax your muscles: Relax you muscles. Do you ever notice how your muscles tense up when you’re nervous, worried or scared? Start concentrating on each muscle. Tighten it and then release it and combine it with deep breathing.

  8. Write about your feelings: Keep a journal. Writing gives you a chance to understand your feelings.


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