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Writer's pictureAnna Micci

Keep Filling Your Pot

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

I hope this month finds all of you carrying imaginary pots with plenty of “gold coins.” I would like to elaborate and suggest ways to obtain these “coins” as an effort to continue improving our sense of self and self-esteem. This starts with taking care of you first. I often think of the educational video we view as we are getting ready to fly somewhere. It tells you “to put your own oxygen mask on first." This should be our mantra each day. We need to make our own happiness a priority. What you need matters. Valuing yourself and pursuing your needs and goals leads to personal success; the opposite lead to self-sabotaging. We often believe that if we take care of ourselves we are not taking care of those around us. This is simply not true. If we take care of ourselves, we are better at taking care of those around us. As you value who you are, you begin to tap into your sense of genuineness. Listen to your inner voice. Embrace your individual ideas, strengths and beauty. This thinking leads to a feeling of politeness for oneself. The way you treat yourself sets the standards for how others will treat you. BE mindful, live in the moment. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to you. Live it and stop waiting. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift and that’s why they call it the present.”(Bil Keane) As we begin to take a more mindful view of life, we can start enjoying the things we already have. We all have goals and aspirations and we work very hard at reaching them. When we reach our goal we often don’t enjoy it because we already have set another goal. Life is a journey, and it is one that needs to be enjoyed and savored along the way. Remember each day to be grateful for five things. You don’t have to write them down, just be mindful of what is good in your life. This journey encourages personal growth. During this process we can and often make mistakes. Learn from them - they are stepping stones to progress. We need to take risks. We will stumble and we will fall BUT we will get up. Our mistakes will lead to changes... changes lead to growth... and growth leads to a powerful self!! Keep FILLING your pot!!


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